Ecología en Bolivia
versión impresa ISSN 1605-2528versión On-line ISSN 2075-5023
ERGUETA GUTIERREZ, Carlos et al. Update of the ichthyofauna of the Municipal Botanical Garden of Santa Cruz (Bolivia). Ecología en Bolivia [online]. 2024, vol.59, n.1, pp.34-45. Epub 31-Abr-2024. ISSN 1605-2528.
The aquatic ecosystems of the Municipal Botanical Garden (JBM) of Santa Cruz de la Sierra have limited published information regarding their ichthyofauna. However, over time, fish collections were made and deposited in the Noel Kempff Mercado Natural History Museum (MHNNKM). Therefore, the objective was to determine the current diversity of ichthyofauna within the diferent aquatic ecosystems of the JBM by reviewing the samples deposited at the MHNNKM. As a result, the presence of 26 species was determined. Likewise, collections made in 2021 showed that the “arroyo Guapilo” stream has a greater species similarity with the main lagoon (“laguna principal”, S0rensen index of 0.52) and with temporary pools (0.40), and lower similarity (0.25) with the secondary lagoon. Seasonal fish species, such as Moema beucheyi, Pterolebias longipinnis, and Neofundulus splendidus, which have a life cycle dependent on rainfall and flooding periods were recorded in temporary pools. On the other hand, invasive exotic species such as Poecilia reticulata and Oreochromis niloticus were also found in the arroyo Guapilo and the main lagoon. The presence of these introduced species could be affecting the current and future diversity of native species. With the new information presented, a more detailed, comprehensive, and updated knowledge of fish diversity within the grounds of the JBM is provided.
Palabras clave : Urban area; Aquatic ecosystems; New records.