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Ecología en Bolivia

Print version ISSN 1605-2528On-line version ISSN 2075-5023


SAAVEDRA, Francisco; LOAYZA, Andrea  and  MORAES R., Mónica. Post-dispersal seed predation of Guettarda viburnoides (Rubiaceae) in Neotropical savannas, of NE Bolivia: its effect at a small spatial scale. Ecología en Bolivia [online]. 2012, vol.47, n.2, pp.88-98. ISSN 1605-2528.

Post-dispersal seed predation plays a critical role in the structure and dynamics of plant populations. Therefore, to identify patterns of seed predation and determine the processes that generate them are fundamental to understand the organization of plant communities. In this study we evaluated the post-dispersal seed predation of Guettarda viburnoides (Rubiaceae) in relation to distance from the parent tree and habitat. We hypothesize that seed predation will be greater 1) near the mother tree away from this, 2) woody vegetation patches of isolated trees, or in areas of grassland. The predation pattern obtained represents the classic pattern of predation in tropical species, where most seeds are preyed under the tree stem at intermediate distances. In relation to habitat seed predation was higher in patches of vegetation compared with solitary trees and savannas. We assume that species of the genus Pheidole are potentially the most important predators of G. viburnoides for their food habit and abundance. This pattern of seed predation supports the hypothesis of Janzen and Connell and suggests that at the community level in the study site, patches of vegetation and trees are solitary in the savanna habitats with higher predation and ant activity.

Keywords : Distant-dependent seed predation; Estación Biológica del Beni; Habitat; Pheidole.

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