Ecología en Bolivia
versión impresa ISSN 1605-2528versión On-line ISSN 2075-5023
VILLAGRA DE GAMUNDI, Alcira; LOCASCIO DE MITROVICH, Cecilia; JUAREZ, Jorgelina y FERRER, Gabriela. Considerations about the zooplankton of Yala lakes (Jujuy, Argentina). Ecología en Bolivia [online]. 2008, vol.43, n.2, pp.119-134. ISSN 1605-2528.
The Yala lakes are situated in the Eastern Cordillera in the Yungas ecoregion in a provincial protected area (Jujuy province, Argentina) (24ºS, 65°W) at 2,000 m. Its origin is due to a mass removal process produced by seismic shocks. The waters composition is sulphate-calciummagnesium chloride. The zooplankton of Rodeo, Los Noques, Comedero, Desaguadero, and Negra lakes was analyzed. Forty one taxa were identified: 18 were rotiferans and 23 microcrustaceans (14 cladocerans and 9 copepods) with a higher occurrence frequency of Keratella cochlearis, Bosmina longirostris, Acanthocyclops robustus, and Paracyclops chiltoni. The specific composition reached the maximum value of 22 species in Comedero lake, with larger area and heterogeneity; and a minimum of 9 species in the lake Negra, which is smaller, and with a higher homogeneity and isolation. The quantitative study shows differential community structures: daphnids dominated in absence of fishes (Negra Lagoon), while in the remaining lakes rotifers, bosminids, quidorids and ciclopoids were dominant, with sizes averaging between 614-747 µm. The greatest similarities were registered between Comedero and Rodeo lakes (40%) and lower between Negra and Los Noques (18%)
Palabras clave : Zooplankton; Mountain lakes; Yala lagoons; NW Argentina.