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Ecología en Bolivia

versión impresa ISSN 1605-2528versión On-line ISSN 2075-5023


VELARDE V., María José  y  MORAES R., Mónica. Density of adults and fruit production of asa í(Euterpe precatoria, Arecaceae) in Riberalta, Bolivia. Ecología en Bolivia [online]. 2008, vol.43, n.2, pp.99-110. ISSN 1605-2528.

Density of adults and fruit production of Euterpe precatoria (Arecaceae) to extract pulp for the preparation of beverages and ice cream were evaluated. Twelve plots of 15 x 90 m (1.350 m2)were established in two sites of the municipality of Riberalta (Dept. Beni, NE Bolivia), namely at the várzea forest and in terra firme forest. Results are expressed in one hectare. Data about height, dbh, and number of leaves were gathered; infructescences per individual were counted and the diameter and weight of different parts of the fruit (seed, pulp; dry and fresh weight) were measured. Adults density was of 191 ind./ha in the várzea forest, while 68 ind./ha in the terra firme one. The median production of infrutescences/individual in flooded forests is three and two in terra firme; in one hectare they produce nine times more infructescences than in terra firme. The potential of ripe fruits production is 120.401/ha in flooded forest and 12.707/ha in terra firme, meaning more than 9,5 times. There are 10 morphological features that are significantly distinctive between both types of forests. For example the dry weight of pulp in flooded forest is approximately the double than in terra firme. From the 100% of fruits produced only 27% reach maturity. We found a negative correlation between the diameter and number of fruits: the riper (with major size) the less in number. This biological data are very important because they can help to planning strategies of conservation and sustainable extraction of asaí.Keywords: Arecaeae, Euterpe precatoria, population density, fruit production, Bolivia

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