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Revista Boliviana de Física

versión On-line ISSN 1562-3823


PEREIRA, Gonzalo. Do the metallic meteorites found in Bolivia have the same origin?. Revista Boliviana de Física [online]. 2021, vol.38, n.38, pp.10-14. ISSN 1562-3823.

Abstract While reconstructing the history of meteorites related to Bolivia, we found that the only two metallic meteorites classified as "Found in Bolivia" are the Bolivia and Pooposo meteorites. They are classified within the group of MG IAB iron meteorites and have a similar history. Both were seriously mishandled before reaching the hands of meteorite experts and were commercialized by a priest. In light of these possible matches, some experts have recommended a comparative study of both meteorites to ascertain if they could be part of the same object. In this paper we analyze the data of abundant chemical elements found in both meteorites. The data was obtained from different analyses carried out on all known iron meteorites through methods such as: Radiochemical Neutron Activation Analysis (RNAA) and Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA). These data have been published by different researchers: Buchwald, [1975a,Scott, [1978,Kracher et al., [1980,Wasson & Kallemeyn, [2002]. Our objective has been to determine if both specimens are part of a larger object that impacted on the surface of the Oruro plateau or if they are simply two independent iron meteorites

Palabras clave : Meteorites meteors; meteorites and tektites; geochemistry.

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