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Revista Boliviana de Física

versión On-line ISSN 1562-3823


LOZADA GOBILARD, Lucas Blitz. A hundred authors against Einstein: a partial critical translation. Revista Boliviana de Física [online]. 2019, vol.34, n.34, pp.33-46. ISSN 1562-3823.

Abstract Einstein's theory of relativity has been the subject to criticism: scientific, philosophical, epistemological and ideological, mainly in the first years after its publication. In 1931 in Leipzig a book called A Hundred Authors against Einstein (Hundert Autoren gegen Einstein) was printed. Despite the fact that the book was easily forgotten and had no major repercus-sion (an official translation of its original language, German, was never made) and it was even described by Hans Reichenbach as an "accumulation of naive errors". It is possible to find among the few rigorous physical and mathematical arguments, some that should be mentioned and discussed. Thus, it is feasible to transcend personal prejudices and discover the logic behind some of the criticisms, paradoxically reinforcing, the scientific and heuristic value of Einstein's conception of relativity. Such is the position of those who asserted that the authors who criticized Einstein made major errors because they did not properly under-stand the conception of relativity. In this article, the text of one of the authors who generally reflects the content of the book has been translated, so as to make it available to the Spanish-speaking reader. The article, also offers a brief commentary on the translated segments from the perspective of current physical knowledge.

Palabras clave : History of science; Publications on Theory of Relativity; Science and Society.

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