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Revista de la Sociedad Boliviana de Pediatría

versión On-line ISSN 1024-0675


HAYES DORADO, Juan Pablo. Pubertal gynecomastia. Rev. bol. ped. [online]. 2013, vol.52, n.3, pp.138-142. ISSN 1024-0675.

Pubertal gynecomastia can cause problems of self-esteem and deterioration in the quality of life in the affected adolescents, as far as mammary glands represent a feminine symbol. The objective of the present work was to analyze the clinical and biochemical characteristics of the adolescents with gynecomastia, who were seen at the endocrinology paediatric room of the "Centro Médico Siraní", between 2008-2012. 123 patients derived with the gynecomastia diagnosis were seen; 26 were excluded (22 to present lipomastia and 4 not to fulfil the clinical pursuit) and 97 were studied. Most of the patients presented stature accord to chronological age and genital development stages 2 and 3 of Tanner, with an evolution of six to twelve months of bilateral and symmetrical gynecomastia. Anxiety was the most frequent symptom and in 95 of them antecedents of drug ingestion was not demonstrated. In all the patients the testosterone, estradiol, LH, FSH, prolactin, GH and TSH levels were normal. The treatment was expectant in 83 adolescents, tamoxifen was indicated in 6 patients (those who presented severe anxiety); 8 were derived to plastic surgery, to present gynecomastia of more than two years of evolution. Anxiety was the main symptom among the patients, the laboratorial results were normal and the treatment, in general, was expectant; in the adolescents with severe anxiety tamoxifen was indicated and the ones who presented gynecomastia of more than two years of evolution were derived to plastic surgery.

Palabras clave : Gynecomastia; Pubertal; Lipomastia.

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