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Revista de la Sociedad Boliviana de Pediatría

versión On-line ISSN 1024-0675


TORRICO ESPINOZA, Ana et al. Risk factors for initiation of sexual intercourse among high school female students in La Paz, Bolivia. Rev. bol. ped. [online]. 2004, vol.43, n.1, pp.3-7. ISSN 1024-0675.

Objective: to recognize risk factors at star sexual activity among high school female students in La Paz, Bolivia. Methods: a cross-sectional survey was conducted in female students from public and private high schools. Anonymous self-report was used to collect data. Results: a total of 275 questionnaires were analysed. The average age was 17 ±0.8 years. Risk factors related to star sexual activity were: alcohol use (OR: 7.11; CI: 3.57-14.33; p <0.05), tobacco use (OR: 5.76; CI: 2.85-11.62; p <0.05), a romantic relationship with a partner (OR: 3.79; CI: 1.90-7.58; p <0.05) and, participation in social activities with peers ­ parties (OR: 2.81; CI: 1.32-5.96; p <0.05) and discotheques (OR: 2.29; CI: 1.16-4.52; p <0.05). Protective factors were participation in physical activities (OR: 0.36; CI: 0.18-0.73; p <0.05) and have never used alcohol or tobacco (OR: 0.12; CI: 0.06-0.26; p <0.05). Forty-three (15.6%) students reported that they had sexual intercourse. Mean age at first sexual intercourse was 16.6 ±1 years. Conclusions: substance use and participation in social activities with peers are associated at star sexual activity among female adolescents.

Palabras clave : adolescence; risk factors; female sexuality; sexual behavior.

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