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Revista de la Sociedad Boliviana de Pediatría

versión On-line ISSN 1024-0675


BARRIGA OROPEZA, Jorge; MURILLO SANCHEZ, Consuelo  y  AGREDA GUERRERO, Julio. Scleroderma. Rev. bol. ped. [online]. 2003, vol.42, n.2, pp.97-99. ISSN 1024-0675.

We described a girl with scleroderma that came to the Hospital Daniel Bracamonte, in Potosí, and it is included in the group of the colagenosis. This rare entity belongs to the autoimmune diseases. The main characteristics are hardening of the skin and thinner of the cutaneous layer. The systemic sclerosis affects not only the immune system but also the wall of the arterial vessels and connective tissue.

Palabras clave : colagen disease; scleroderma; systemic scleroderma; systemic progressive scleroderma-systemic familiar scleroderma.

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