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Gaceta Médica Boliviana
versión impresa ISSN 1012-2966versión On-line ISSN 2227-3662
PRIEGO ALVAREZ, Heberto Romeo; AVALOS GARCIA, María Isabel; GARRIDO PEREZ, Silvia María Guadalupe y GARCIA MONTES, Christian Amor. Good and usable generic drugs? The perception of medical students in a Mexican state. Gac Med Bol [online]. 2023, vol.46, n.1, pp.59-66. Epub 01-Jun-2023. ISSN 1012-2966.
Knowledge and perception towards generic drugs are topics that emerge as an important factor to explore in medica students.
To determine the differences between medical students from public and private universities on the perception and use of Generic Pharmaceutical Specialties (GFE).
Materials and methods:
A quantitative observational, cross-sectional, analytica and comparative study was conducted in a universe of 858 students enrolled during 2019-2020 in five medical schools in the Mexican state of Tabasco. Through Google Forms, data were collected from a self-applied form based on a previously validated questionnaire Descriptive statistics were used to assess student perceptions, and nonparametric tests through an analysis model for difference of means to compare the result between universities.
The perception of the dimensions of quality (8= 12,51) and efficacy (8=6,06) shows an indecisive position in general. On reliability (8=6,99), students agreed. The dimensions of preference-experience (8=10.649) and accessibility (8=7,01), place students in the group of undecideds. In the comparison of means of the GFE perception scale (student's t test), the public university presented a low mean (8=24,72), while in the group of private universities it was higher (8=26,06). Regarding the use of GFE, the public university presented a mean 8=38,22, while the group of private universities was lower (8=36,70).
It is necessary to include in the curricular contents of future medical professionals more information on quality, safety and efficacy of GFE, which will contribute to raising the level of confidence in their prescription.
Palabras clave : generic drugs; medical students; drug substitution..