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vol.44 número2Evaluación de la Ivermectina más Anticoagulación versus Anticoagulación en Pacientes Críticos no Ventilados, con COVID-19: Ensayo Clínico Multicentrico en Cochabamba, BoliviaDescompresión Microvascular para el Tratamiento del Espasmo Hemifacial índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Gaceta Médica Boliviana

versión impresa ISSN 1012-2966versión On-line ISSN 2227-3662


VARGAS-CHIARELLA, Carlos Ricardo  y  ZAMBRANA VERA, Angela Marion. Relation of Anxiety Risk with Associated Post Quarantine Stressors in University Students in the City of Cochabamba, 2021. Gac Med Bol [online]. 2021, vol.44, n.2, pp.198-203. ISSN 1012-2966.


A validation study of the Beck Anxiety Questionnaire was carried out in October 2019, then in May 2020 it was applied to analyse the relationship of anxiety risk with demographic, communicative, socio-economic and social cohesion factors.


to reveal the non-causal association between the risk of anxiety and post-quarantine stressors, such as a social one in the university population of Cochabamba.


in a pilot group of 144 subjects sampled by convenience, Cronbach's alpha was assessed for the BAI. In the second stage it was applied to 85 students, assessed with ordinal logistic regression. The sociological interpretation was carried out from Norbert Elias' perspectives on power and social marking.


Cronbach’s Alpha was 0.925, which shows its consistency within similar groups, possession of savings was shown as sole statistically significant protective factor.


BAI was validated for Cochabamba’s university student’s context, possession of savings was identified as a protective factor on May 2020 for anxiety risk, and it’s sociological analysis pointed to the vulnerability/negotiations relation.

Palabras clave : validation study; psychosocial Impact; patient health questionnaire; mental health.

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