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Gaceta Médica Boliviana
Print version ISSN 1012-2966On-line version ISSN 2227-3662
TRONCOSO PANTOJA, Claudia et al. Perspectives of the elderly people on social aspects that determine their feeding. Gac Med Bol [online]. 2017, vol.40, n.1, pp.14-20. ISSN 1012-2966.
Objective: interpret, from the experience from elder people, the implications that social aspects such as family, social participation and economic situation present in their diet. Methods: it has been developed a qualitative research with a phenomenological focus. The qualitative sample is obtained through the theoretical saturation, completing with 21 elders from the district of Hualpen, Chile, who have achieved the criterions to be chosen for the study. To gather the required information, it has been used a semi-structured interview. The analysis of the data has been done through content analysis, utilizing the triangulation research technique. Results: the influence of the family is perceived positively in the feeding process of the elders, as well as their participation into established social groups, although this is understood through the feeding process education they receive when they are participating in these groups, which allows them to improve their quality of life through the feeding process. On the other hand, the financial situation is understood as a limitation in the food choices, which is also seen as an obstacle for a healthy feeding process. Conclusion: social aspects affect the diet of older people. The economic situation is perceived as limiting in their diet; instead, the family and its participation in support groups, encourages them to present a healthy life and food.
Keywords : elderly; family; social support; food economics; qualitative research.