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Gaceta Médica Boliviana
Print version ISSN 1012-2966On-line version ISSN 2227-3662
TORREZ MORALES, Froilán and MORALES CESPEDES, Lizeth Sandra. Esquistocytes in peripheral blood smear as predictor of morbidity in preeclampsia. Gac Med Bol [online]. 2017, vol.40, n.1, pp.6-9. ISSN 1012-2966.
Objectives: to determine the association between organic alteration and pathological morphological findings in peripheral blood smears of patients with preeclampsia-eclampsia syndrome. Methods: It is framed in a quantitative, descriptive and transversal approach, which shows 54 patients from a study population of 137 patients admitted with diagnosis of preeclampsia at the Hospital Materno Infantil German Urquidi, between May and December Of 2016. It is consisted of a documented review through a checklist of the clinical-laboratory alterations of each one of the patients; as the microscopic visualization of the spread of peripheral blood smear in search of schistocytes, equinocytes and platelet aggregates, it was performed in a laboratory authorized by SEDES. Results: of 54 patients, 85% presented schistocytes, equinocytes and platelet aggregates, considered as a positive result; the remaining 15% did not present any of these alterations considering as a negative result. Taking these results and comparing with the clinical-laboratory alterations in this study group, it was possible to determine that there is an association between positive smear and organic alteration; The odds ratio (OR) being 66; Translated in probabilities is equal to 98.5% risk of organic alteration with a positive peripheral blood smear (Table 1). Conclusions: The search for schistocytes, equinocytes and platelet aggregates in smears of peripheral blood is a simple, economical and fast method to perform; which shows the probability of developing some organic alteration when the smear of peripheral blood is positive; thus anticipating the exacerbation of clinical and biochemical manifestations in patients with preeclampsia.
Keywords : microangiopathy; hemolysis; platelet aggregates; morbidity; preeclampsia.