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Gaceta Médica Boliviana

On-line version ISSN 1012-2966


TORREZ MORALES, Froilán  and  ANEZ SARAVIA, Cristian. Maternal mortality and morbidity associated with preeclampsia in the Intensive Care Unit HMIGU . Gac Med Bol [online]. 2016, vol.39, n.2, pp.88-90. ISSN 1012-2966.

Objective: to describe the main causes of maternal morbidity and mortality due to preeclampsia in the Maternal Intensive Care Unit (UCIM) of the Hospital Materno Infantil Germán Urquidi (HMIGU). Method: a total of 47 patients diagnosed with Preeclampsia admitted to the Intensive Care Maternal and Child Hospital German Urquidi Maternal were recorded from January to December of 2 015, to whom a prospective observational study was conducted. Morbidity and mortality is assessed and described. Results: eclampsia and its complications are the leading causes of admission to Intensive Care Maternal and Child Hospital German Urquidi Maternal and 44%. The diagnostic distribution of major complications was: HELLP (57%), eclampsia (48%), acute kidney injury (19%), CID (8, 5 %), stroke (6,38%) and acute pulmonary edema (2,1%) (Table 2). Maternal mortality associated with this disease was 6,38 % (1 patient with eclampsia, 1 patient with acute pulmonary edema and 1 patient with DIC) (Figure 2). The average length of stay in the MICU was 3,55 2,17 days (Table 3). Conclusions: the primigestación remains a prevalent factor (48%), as described in other works. Early-onset preeclampsia (less than 34 weeks) is predominantly relevant in the natural history of disease with 51,4%. The main complications and its prevalence approach described by Malvino 2012 and 2013 Briones surveillance and monitoring of these patients in intensive care can detect early onset of complications with a secondary benefit on morbidity and mortality. For the low number of patients taken as a sample, no valid conclusions can be drawn concerning mortality.

Keywords : Preeclampsia; eclampsia; HELLP.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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