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Gaceta Médica Boliviana
versión impresa ISSN 1012-2966versión On-line ISSN 2227-3662
BLANCO, Patricia; MEDINA BUSTOS, Marcos y PACHECO LUNA, Sandra. Assessment of nutritional status in children and adolescents in the school program of child and adolescent workers of Cochabamba 2006. Gac Med Bol [online]. 2010, vol.33, n.2, pp.30-34. ISSN 1012-2966.
The Program of the boy's schollard, girl and hard-working adolescent outlined to carry out an evaluation of the nutritional state of these with the purpose of to execute a nutritional support and to achieve a bigger school yield. This study is traverse, descriptive. 729 children and adolescent girls hard-working belonging to the program PENNAT of the outlying área of Cochabamba was studied. The nutritional state was determined through the indicative Size-age (T/E), Peso-size (P/T), and the Index of Corporal Mass (IMC). According to (T/E) 15,9% of the children has low size; 39,2% carves in risk; 44,8 normal size and 0,1% carve high. According to the (P/T) 10% indicates sharp malnutrition (DNT 1 8,6%, DNT 2 1,1 5 and DNT 3 0,3%), 12% overweight and 78 normal%. The IMC indicated 12 high% (10% overweight and 2% obe-sity); 76,23% weighs normal and 12% of malnutrition. The presence of overweight and malnutrition, in these boys and girls it indicates that malnutrition exists. It is necessary to correct this situation, putting bigger emphasis in the group from the 7 to 10 years where it is still possible to have the opportunity of a recovery and success in the physical deve-lopment and the boy's intellectual. The present study shows that: We should improve the quality of the foods, increa-sing the proteins, vitamins and minerals." It is therefore valid the concern of the PENNAT of improving the nutrition to offer equality of opportunities of studies to the boys and girls hard-working adolescent.
Palabras clave : Nutritional state; work children.