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Gaceta Médica Boliviana

Print version ISSN 1012-2966On-line version ISSN 2227-3662


TORREZ SALAZAR, Jandira Tania  and  TORREZ SALAZAR, Jeanneth. Immune system and anesthetic. Gac Med Bol [online]. 2010, vol.33, n.1, pp.69-75. ISSN 1012-2966.

Anesthesiology has evolved dramatically in the last two decades, and much of this development is parallel to immunology. The role of the anesthesiologist extends to all aspects involved in the perioperative period. Surgery, anesthesia itself and other associated applications, such as blood, disturb the mechanisms of the patient's immune response and therefore fall within the scope of control of the anesthesiologist, the impact they have on the patient is important because posed a greater risk of postoperative infection and an increase in the recurrence of neoplastic diseases. In general, surgery and anesthesia induced immune depression. It is impossible to show a decrease in the number and activity of circulating immune cells, and alterations of different sign in the synthesis of acute phase proteins and inter-leukins. The replacement of blood loss is an added factor to the impaired immunity. The application of new anesthetic techniques, optimization of procedures in use, the use of modern immunosuppressive drugs with less effect, or alternatives to the use of homologous blood are some of the proposed solutions and represent an exciting field of study that today, the anesthesiologist has a role, as perhaps never had it.

Keywords : immune system; anesthesia.

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