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Gaceta Médica Boliviana
Print version ISSN 1012-2966On-line version ISSN 2227-3662
TRIGO LOUBIERE, Juan Carlos et al. Neurosurgery of low cost and high yield for the treatment of degenerative cervical discopatia. Gac Med Bol [online]. 2009, vol.32, n.2, pp.73-78. ISSN 1012-2966.
The degenerative discopathy it is part of the natural process of aging. As we age, the disks intervertebral lose the characteristics of flexibility, elasticity and subduing. The ligaments that surround to the disk that they form the fibrous ring, become brittle and they are torn with more easiness, the nucleus pulpous, begins to dry off and to shrink. The treatment options, includes such non surgical options as anti-inflammatory non steroids, exercise and physiotherapy. The surgery of the spine is only considered when the conservative treatments have not been able to alleviate the symptoms. This is a new technique for the treatment of the degenerative cervical discopathy. The procedure consists on taking out implant of the patient's bone, coming from the crest ileac, the same one that is constituted on one hand cortical and a spongy central part. The cortical one, to be stronger, maintains the open space, while the spongy one allows integration and a quick revascularization of the implant that doesn't move and is integrated quickly to the vertebras superior and inferior. This type of implants can be placed at level of cervical column, where it is more frequent the hernia of cervical disk to the height of C4, C5, C6 and C7; but it can also be used in the event of traumatism raquimedular. With this work we want to show that the surgery via previous for the treatment of the hernia cervical discal is the most appropriate, also the discoidectomy for via previous, with homologous implant of crest ileac without instrumentation, it continues being the best treatment, in our means.
Keywords : Degenerative discopathy; neurosurgery; implant.