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Gaceta Médica Boliviana

Print version ISSN 1012-2966On-line version ISSN 2227-3662


IRIARTE LA FUENTE, Delicia; TORREZ SALAZAR, Jandira; MELGAREJO ROCHA, Luis  and  TORREZ SALAZAR, Jeanneth. Audit medicates in anestesiology. Gac Med Bol [online]. 2009, vol.32, n.2, pp.60-64. ISSN 1012-2966.

Due to the diffusion of the rights of the patients, the medical professional meets affected by public denunciations. This leads to the development of Programs of Medical Audit that takes as an object the periodic evaluation of the quality of medical attention across the clinical process. The Medical Audit is a mechanism of development and medical constant education, based on the utilization of procedure, protocols and records, applying corrective and preventive actions(shares), allowing to take security in technical, administrative, ethical aspects and principally medically legal. Doctor includes educational aspects, of control, normative, investigative, legal, evaluative, systematic, multidisciplinary, the management of quality and the financial aspects. The Medical Audit evaluates the medical act of the anesthesiologist across the evaluation of: the visit preanestésic, of the managing transoperatory, the posanestesic and the discharge of recovery, the adverse events and the anesthesic record. Therefore the responsibility of the doctor anesthesiologist is every time major and the Medical Audit is directed to anticipate the medical mistake and helps to raise the welfare quality in the hospitals

Keywords : Medical Audit; Anaesthesiology.

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