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Gaceta Médica Boliviana

Print version ISSN 1012-2966On-line version ISSN 2227-3662


DE PARDO GHETTI, Evelin Marcelle et al. Children’s incident with mistreatment of january 2008 to july 2009 in the defender of the childhood. Gac Med Bol [online]. 2009, vol.32, n.2, pp.35-38. ISSN 1012-2966.

The infantile mistreatment - teen is a problem of supreme importance in the Bolivian society. There fulfilled a study of the number of denunciations registered from January, 2008 to 1 - July 2009 in the Defender of the Childhood and Adolescence of the province Cercado-Cochabamba. The study was descriptive of transverse cut. It was found that of 2392 registered cases, 1956 children - 0-15-year-old teenagers, 5-year-old minors prevail; 52 % concerned to the masculine sex that they suffered some type of mistreatment, like: physical, psychological, sexual mistreatment, absence of recognition of filiation and utilization of minor in family conflicts. The most out-standing results were: girls' school insertion of 6 to 6 to 11 years (2008) with 52,83 % and 58,39 % of children of the same age in 2009. Inside children and teenager that they work we have that 1,03 14-15-year-old % works dependently (2008 and 0,8 % between 12 and 13 years (2009). In the registered cases we see that in 22,44 % the denounced ones are men (2008) of ages 26-39 years and 25,74 % (2009) between mothers and foreign persons. The claimant in most cases of 2008 corresponds relatives near to the attacked one with 45.75 % and 50.40 % of persons foreign to the attacked one that they realized the denunciation. The royal(real) incident of the infantile mistreatment is very difficult to determine; since the majority of the times only detect the most serious cases to themselves and one determined that the number of registered denunciations do not show a real value of what one lives in our reality.

Keywords : Concentration of Progesterone; Abortion threat.

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