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Gaceta Médica Boliviana
Print version ISSN 1012-2966On-line version ISSN 2227-3662
ARNEZ TERRAZAS, Raúl; RODRIGUEZ QUIROGA, Sergio A. and FLOR ROCHA, Jenny. Clinical and Epidemiological aspects of hipertensive crises in patients of the Worker Hospital Nro 2 CNS Cochabamba. Gac Med Bol [online]. 2008, vol.31, n.1, pp.25-30. ISSN 1012-2966.
We made this study in order to know the incidence of hipertensive crises, the clinical characteristics of sick people and the manage in urgence Service of Worker Hospital No 2 of CNS Cochabmba in order to recomend tips of treatment in Urgence Service when an Hipertensive Crise (HC)presents. This is a prospective, transversal and descriptive study, worked out in Internal Medicine Urgence Service of CNS, from August to November of 2007. Data were collected from patients who were cared by HC by a data collection sheet. The results showed that from a total of 5717 consults, 124 were patients with HC, which implies a prevalence of 2,5% from the total urgencies, presenting themselves as Hipertensive Urgence (HU) in 2,2% and as Hipertesive Emergence (HE) in 0,3%. Most of the patients had more than 60 years old, with a predomine of women and ¾ parts had Hypertension antecedents, however only 66% were prescripted treatment , from which about a half did not fulfill the same. The HE most frequet was the isquemica VBI. For the manage of the HU the most used farmacologic group in Urgence service were IECAS, showing the best therapeutic safe.
Keywords : Hipertensive crises; Urgence Service.