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Gaceta Médica Boliviana
Print version ISSN 1012-2966On-line version ISSN 2227-3662
REQUENA URIOSTE, Alberto and GUTIERREZ HERRERA, Yessica. CAUSAS DE CONVERSIÓN EN COLECISTECTOMIA LAPAROSCOPICA CAJA NACIONAL DE SALUD H.O Nro 2 2000 - 2005 Cochabamba. Gac Med Bol [online]. 2007, vol.30, n.2, pp.38-41. ISSN 1012-2966.
The cholecystectomy laparoscopyc is not exempt of complications, some of this can be attributed to own laparoscopyc procedures, which have relation with the vesicular surgery and the exclusive complications of the cholecystectomy laparoscopyc. Between 2000 and 2005 they made a study of 118 laparoscopyc cholecystectomy at the Caja Nacional de Salud H.O N°2; having 94 female patients (80%) and 24 men patients (20%). The average age was 47 years-old (17-49). In 10 patients (8.4 %) it was made umbilical herniorrhaphy; 24 patients (20 %) it was approached by three entrance doors, technique used since 2005. The conversión tasa was 11%, being the main reason of conversión the presence of adhesión in 5 patients (38%), suspect of cancer on 1 patient (8%), anatomic alterations on 3 patients (23%), hemorrhage on 1 patient (8%), and fístula cholecystoduodenal on 3 patients (23%). In our set the anesthesia type was 100% of general type. The average of hospitalizaron was under 24 hours on 83 patients (70 %) and over 24 hours on 35 patients (30 %); 100% of the patients were admitted by the ambulance service. 1 cod. Receiving prophylactic antibiotic therapy 1 gr. Cefotaxima.
Keywords : Conversión; Laparoscopyc cholecystectomy.