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Gaceta Médica Boliviana
Print version ISSN 1012-2966On-line version ISSN 2227-3662
JENSEN BALCAZAR, Ivar Mauricio; LASERNA KING, José Luis; PADILLA BARBA, Patricia and ROCABADO, Mery. ELECTROCOAGULACION CON PLASMA DE ARGON EN GASTROENTEROLOGIA. Gac Med Bol [online]. 2005, vol.28, n.2, pp.17-24. ISSN 1012-2966.
The present work, is a retrospective review about use and application of the argón plasm coagulation (APC) in Gastroenterology, as endoscopic thcrapy; made in the Japanese Institute of Bolivian Gastroenterology (I.G.B.J.) of Cochabamba, in the period between January of 2001 to December of 2004. The APC is a new method of electrocoagulación, and has múltiple uses and applications. It allows the application of electrical energy in order to obtain tissue destruction or to make haemostasis. The APC uses a high frequency of electrical current given by the gas ion of argón. This gas, while it ionizes, allows the conduction of electricity. Our objective was to analyze the utility, effectiveness and frequency of the APC treatment. 76 clinical histories of patients treated with endoscope and APC were reviewed. We observed 96% of general therapeutic success, and 95.5% as therapeutic haemostatic treatment alone or combined. It is a useful therapeutic alternative in patients with esophagus of Barret and its utility is increasing for actinic proctitis, and it liave satisfactory results in case of low digestive hemorrhage.
Keywords : argon plasm coagulation; haemostasia; endoscope.