Revista Boliviana de Química
versión On-line ISSN 0250-5460
ENRIQUEZ, Soledad et al. Flavonoid contents in leaves of Baccharislatifolia, according to the type of leaf, and its dependence on the physicochemical properties of soils. Rev. Bol. Quim [online]. 2018, vol.35, n.5, pp.146-154. ISSN 0250-5460.
ABSTRACT Baccharis latifolia, commonly known as "Chilca", is a plant with a recognized anti-inflammatory activity. Part of its activity is due to its flavonoid contents, whose quantitative composition in the plant varíes according to environmental conditions. This study is focused on characterizing and quantifying flavonoids of B. latifolia leaves in the dry season. The quantification of total flavonoids was done by chelation with A1C13 and by measuring with UV/Vis spectroscopy with respect to luteolin, by means of comparing the total flavonoid contents in apical, middle and basal leaves, at three altitudes in the hillsides of Lluto, La Paz (4187, 4000 and 3825 m.a.s.l.). Through this study, we have determined that the leaves with the highest concentration of flavonoids are the apical and that, in the dry season, there is not a clear correlation between the altitude and the production of flavonoids. Additionally, we've analyzed the correlation between some physicochemical properties of soils and the production of flavonoids, determining on the one hand, that nitrogen richer soils provoke a diminishing of concentration of flavonoids, whereas pH, electrical conductivity and the percent of clay have a direct proportional relationship with the production of flavonoids, which means that an increase in these parameters implies an increase in the flavonoid total contents and vice- versa.
Palabras clave : Baccharis latifolia; Chilca; Total flavonoids; Apical leaves; Soils.