Revista Boliviana de Química
versión On-line ISSN 0250-5460
GUEL GARCIA, G. Paulina; HERNANDEZ MENDOZA, José Luis y RODRIGUEZ CASTILLEJOS, Guadalupe. Use of bacteria obtained from whey and its potential use as probiotics in the food industry. A short review. Rev. Bol. Quim [online]. 2018, vol.35, n.1, pp.40-45. ISSN 0250-5460.
Abstract Some antimicrobial agents, as well as hormones, enzymes and antibodies can be found in whole milk. The two most abundant fractions of the protein content in bovine milk are casein and whey proteins. Due to whey properties, it is considered as a functional food, that is to say, in addition to having its intrinsic nutritional valué, it has a benefic effect on one or more functions of the organism. In this way, it is suitable for health improvement and well-being and for the reduction of risk of certain diseases. Whey contains more than half the solids present in whole milk, including 20% of the proteins (lactalbumins and lactoglobulins) and 80% of dry matter in the form of lactose, mineral salts and water-soluble vitamins. The identification of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) is currently performed by biochemical tests like API 38 CHL, API 20 STREP and API 50 CHS strips. It has been shown that fraction A2 of milk protein decreases the incidence of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes type I. Finally, the knowledge currently generated about the genetics of lactic acid bacteria is interesting for the development of new foods with nutraceutical properties (functionality), texture or conservation.
Palabras clave : Milk; Whey, Lactic acid bacteria; Probiotic; Characterization; Gen 16.