Revista Boliviana de Química
versión On-line ISSN 0250-5460
PARRA LIZARAZU, Carla et al. Chemical And Biological Characterization Of The Products Obtained From The Biotransformation Of 2-Phenylquinoline (2FQ) By Aspergillus Spp. Rev. Bol. Quim [online]. 2016, vol.33, n.4, pp.149-157. ISSN 0250-5460.
Microorganisms such as filamentous fungi have been widely used in biotransformation studies of drugs and complex molecules of plants. The alkaloid 2-phenylquinoline obtained from the medicinal plant Galipea longiñora was the substrate in biotransformation processes by 114QD, strain identified as Aspergillus spp. Chemical characterization was carried out by thin layer chromatography (TLC), high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and gas chromatography (GC). These techniques allowed to detect the presence of a product derived from a biotransformation. Such product showed to be a more polar compound than the original substrate and exhibited an UV absorption spectrum different from that of the substrate which has a bathochromic shift of the absorption bands due to the replacement by OH. An analysis coupled to mass spectroscopy permitted identify the hydroxylation of the quinoline ring by showing in its mass spectrum a molecular ion at 221 m/z compared to 205 m/z of the 2-phenylquinoline. Chromatographic techniques also allowed establishing that after 360 hours of incubation in Basal Médium, approximately 78% of the substrate was bio-transformed. The analysis of the áreas in function of time showed an increase up to 10 times for the product formed regarding the early hours of culture. Biological activity against promastigotes of Leishmania evaluated by XTT showed IC 50 valúes different from those of the original substrate.
Palabras clave : Biotransformation; 2-phenylquinoline; Aspergillus spp; Basal Médium.