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Revista Boliviana de Química

versión On-line ISSN 0250-5460


SALGUERO, Laura et al. Polyolefins production in Bolivia; part I: investigation of markets, technologies and catalytic processes (a review). Rev. Bol. Quim [online]. 2015, vol.32, n.5, pp.95-109. ISSN 0250-5460.

The polyethylene market status was evaluated globally, and especially in South America, identifying the role of Bolivia, in its way from importer to exporter, on the basis of the polymers plant projected for 2018. The source and the characteristics of the prime matter were identified, as well as the technology and the type of products. Also, the diverse technologies of polymerization for the products: HDPE, LLDPE, LDPE, etc., are discussed in this review. Simulation of the ethylene polymerization in a fluidized bed reactor is here discussed

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