Revista Boliviana de Química
versión On-line ISSN 0250-5460
YAPU, Ebbe L. et al. OXIDO DE GRAFITO EXPANDIDO. Rev. Bol. Quim [online]. 2013, vol.30, n.2, pp.156-161. ISSN 0250-5460.
In this work we intend to increase the distance among the graphite layers, with the purpose of improving their physicochemical properties, as for electric conductivity, intercalation capacity, of reactivity directed to other products synthesis. This purpose is achieved oxidizing the graphite with mixtures of KMnO4 and H2SO4. The oxidation of the graphite is observed comparing the infrared spectrum of the original graphite with the graphite tried with the mixture oxidizer, in this last, characteristic picks of C-O bonds appears. This treatment destroys the aromatic structure of the graphite partially, when converting, due to the oxidation, a hybridization sp2 to a hybridization sp3 of the C. The expansion of the distance among layers of the graphite is verified through the spectrum of diffraction of X rays. In these spectra they are observed the displacement of the pick of the angle 29 of 26.8° to angles of 10° - 12°. The spacing among layers increases from 0.332 nm to 0.823 nm. One could observe that the rusty product presents a superficial area and volume of pore more than the original graphite. These results allow to assert that it was possible to obtain a graphitic structure with distances among layers bigger than the original graphite.
Palabras clave : Grafito; Grafeno; Grafito Expandido.