Revista Boliviana de Química
versión On-line ISSN 0250-5460
AVILA ILLANES, Juan Antonio et al. EVALUACIÓN DE LA TOXICIDAD AGUDA A DOSIS FIJAS DEL EXTRACTO DE WERNERIA DACTYLOPHYLLA (PUPUSA). Rev. Bol. Quim [online]. 2011, vol.28, n.2, pp.86-90. ISSN 0250-5460.
A study was conducted to evaluate the potential toxic effect of a lyophilized aqueous extract of Werneria dactylophylla (Pupusa) recognized for their important pharmacological properties. For its development we used the fixed dose procedure, using a limit dose of 2000 mg / kg and 5000 mg / kg of body weight, administered by orogastric route for 14 days performing observations. The selected animals were female albino Swiss mice weighing between 18 and 20 g. Results demonstrated the safety of the plant with no signs or symptoms of toxicity observed. Body weight behaved according to the growth curve of the species and there were no gross abnormalities in the studied organs, allowing to say that the LD50 is above 5000 mg / kg, considering the product as nontoxic as the Williams criterion. The methodology and experimental design was conducted along the lines described by the standard EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) 870.1100, OECD 425 (Organization for Economic Trade and Development), which covers the 24 most developed nations of the world, for applying the method of Acute Toxicity Class (CTA)
Palabras clave : Acute toxicity; Swiss mice; Werneria dactylophylla.