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Temas Sociales
versión impresa ISSN 0040-2915versión On-line ISSN 2413-5720
ROSSELL ARCE, Claudio G. Image and historical representation in Bolivian sociological thought. Temas Sociales [online]. 2023, n.52, pp.171-185. Epub 31-Mayo-2023. ISSN 0040-2915.
A reflection is proposed on how historical narration and its various accounts appeal to the usual narrative strategies in literature, from the selection of genre that helps understand how a fact is narrated, to the use of rhetorical resources and tropes, through the use of narrative sentences. Three texts about different moments in Bolivia’s contemporary history are analyzed to show how the authors make use of these strategies, which also help create or fix mental images. It is concluded that historical narration and the way events are recounted ultimately produce not only shared images (or imaginaries) but also ways of acting accordingly.
Palabras clave : Historical interpretation; historical representation; visual image; narrative sentences in history; symbolic forms; rhetoric; Bolivian history; Sociology of the image.