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Temas Sociales

versão impressa ISSN 0040-2915versão On-line ISSN 2413-5720


AYLLON, Virginia. New Aymaran poetry in Bolivia: Mauro Alwa and Clemente Mamani. Temas Sociales [online]. 2022, n.51, pp.61-93.  Epub 30-Nov-2022. ISSN 0040-2915.

This study analyzes contemporary indigenous literature in general, and poetry in particular, in the light of the production of two Aymaran poets: Clemente Mamani and Mauro Alwa. Their production is manifested at the end of the twentieth century and so far in the twenty-first, with the common insight that both translate their work into Spanish. They are writers from indigenous communities, residing in cities of the country. They have a symbolic capital accumulated in their academic and professional activities and in other arts. Their production is exposed in the global market, which is why they resort to the strategy of self-translation. Their poetic voice expresses their double cultural belonging, but it is said from a mixed and motley space that takes as raw material the disorders produced by colonialism in their mother tongue, especially Spanish.

Palavras-chave : Bolivia; aymara poetry; indigenous literature; Bolivian literatura.

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