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Temas Sociales

versión impresa ISSN 0040-2915versión On-line ISSN 2413-5720


ROQUE GUTIERREZ, Miriam  y  TAPIA LADINO, Marcela. Motivations for a life across frontiers: bolivian women working in Iquique, Chile. Temas Sociales [online]. 2021, n.48, pp.94-121. ISSN 0040-2915.

In various regions social practices are registered that use the frontier as a resource. This is the case of Bolivian women who cross over to insert themselves in niches of domestic and care work in the city of Iquique. From a qualitative methodology with a gender perspective, this article considers the women's migration decisions, recoverning for their analysis the life course and couple relationships. We conclude that, according to the motivations, there are emotional implications in at least two senses.

Palabras clave : border; labor mobility; gender; Bolivian women.

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