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Temas Sociales

Print version ISSN 0040-2915On-line version ISSN 2413-5720


BARRIGA DAVALOS, Pablo  and  SANDOVAL, María Fernanda. "We bolivians used to be called 'Indians'": stratification and identities in a peasant community. Temas Sociales [online]. 2021, n.48, pp.70-92. ISSN 0040-2915.

This article describes ethnographically the stratification and social identities in a rural community in Yotala, located in north Chuquisaca. Most theoretical articles on stratification and social identities in Bolivia assume that census identification coincides with spontaneous identification. On the contrary, this article registers social identities as they are used in different contexts and situations. As other works based on empirical research, this article shows how social stratification in Bolivia interlaces economic and cultural factors. This does not mean, however, that cultural differences are radical.

Keywords : social stratification; social identitides; social classes; Chuquisaca.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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