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Temas Sociales

versión impresa ISSN 0040-2915versión On-line ISSN 2413-5720


TITO HERRERA, Abraham Leonardo. Peasant empowerment on the basis ethnic. The political relation between the CSUTCB and the Government. Temas Sociales [online]. 2018, n.42, pp.147-178. ISSN 0040-2915.

Abstract The political relations between the CSUTCB and the MAS government were gestated in the political crisis at the beginning of the 21st century, whose turning point was the Gas War (2003) and later the Pact of Unity (2004), which reinforced with greater clarity the links of political and peasant union unity in favor of the project of a Plurinational State based on an ethnic-cultural identity, resulting in the so called 'process of change'. The CSUTCB became its firm defenders, despite the errors and improvisations in public policies, which led to institutional exhaustion and the loss of union autonomy. In electoral contexts, the bloc vote prevailed over rational voting, due to an attitude of union indoctrination which limited the right to political and ideological dissent; hence, the social imaginary changed with a slight disadvantage for the government. Both these political actors need to evaluate their political conduct in order to avoid losing legitimacy with their indigenous and peasant grass roots and with civil society in general. .

Palabras clave : Social movements; union organizations; indigenous-peasant empowerment; process of change; popular democracy; ideology of binding reciprocity.

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