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Temas Sociales
versão impressa ISSN 0040-2915versão On-line ISSN 2413-5720
PAZ RADA, Eduardo. Crisis and Challenges of the Autonomous University in the Framework of the Inclusion/Exclusion Processes at the University in Bolivia (2001-2012). Temas Sociales [online]. 2017, n.40, pp.73-112. ISSN 0040-2915.
Abstract The Bolivian public university has had, due to the teacher-student movement actions, a major role in the history of the country, nevertheless in the last decades this role has diminished its importance in the social context. In the last years, in Bolivia there has been a transition from neoliberal oriented governments to indigenous-peasant nationalist governments, yet the political struggle in the university has not changed significantly neither in the academic nor the institutional. Nonetheless, current research driven by scholars and students from the Sociology Department in UMSA shows that social inclusion, the increase of indigenous and feminine access to university, the founding of regional campuses and the creation of the Universidad Pública of El Alto (UPEA) and indigenous universities has achieved the deepening of the democratization of superior education.
Palavras-chave : public university; autonomy; government; social inclusion; indigenismo; crisis.