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Alfa Revista de Investigación en Ciencias Agronómicas y Veterinaria

versão On-line ISSN 2664-0902


SANCHEZ, Rosa Elena Olivares  e  AGUILAR, Nolberto Arnildo Leyva. Theoretical bases of environmental awareness as a strategy for sustainable development. Rev. Inv. Cs. Agro. y Vet. [online]. 2023, vol.7, n.21, pp.619-629.  Epub 25-Set-2023. ISSN 2664-0902.

Throughout history, changes in our way of life have originated significant transformations in the environment that in different ways affect us today. Objective. To analyze the theoretical bases of environmental awareness. Methodology. A narrative review of docuemental analysis was carried out, the search was performed electronically in various scientific databases such as Myloft, Scopus, Scielo, EBSCO host, Google Scholar, Web of Science, and the bibliographic manager Mendeley was used for the references on the following theories: Bronfenbrenner's ecologist, sustainable human development, Dryzek's ecological political theory, Kohlberg's moral development and Gardner's multiple intelligences; the concepts of environmental awareness and its active, cognitive, affective and conative dimensions were analyzed. Conclusion. It was concluded that, in order to address environmental problems, it is necessary to immediately adopt behaviors that promote the preservation of the environment, both individually and socially, which implies promoting the development of environmental awareness in different contexts.

Palavras-chave : Environmental awareness; Pro-environmental behavior; Ecological awareness; Environmental education; Sustainable development.

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