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 número26Percepciones de los padres de familia acerca de los comportamientos sexuales de sus hijos/as de 3 a 5 años de edad de Santa Cruz de la SierraDe lo que fue no sido: los retos de la traducción poética índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Aportes de la Comunicación y la Cultura

versão impressa ISSN 2306-8671


PORTANTE, Jean. Translation is an impatient whale. Rev. aportes de la comunicación [online]. 2019, n.26, pp.51-56. ISSN 2306-8671.

Abstract This conference is about bringing together two words that are usually far from each other, namely the word "whale" and the word "translation". And as if that were not enough, two extensions of this approach are added: the border and migration. The border and the migration have been frequently related to the translation, the whale however could place all this under lights that, it seems to me, did not yet iIlumínate the theory on the matter. The whale that allows raising the concept of the "effaconnement" (in Spanish, the "elaborramiento", with two "r"). In other words, the simultaneous act of erasing and configuring, of deconstructing and reconstructing. The whale is also a metaphor of migration since before living in the water it was a terrestrial animal. The fact that it has not been, in its transformations (i.e. its "effaconnements") liberated from its lung makes it a being that is no longer from the earth, without still being from the sea. Just as a translated book is no longer the author's book, without still being the translator's book.

Palavras-chave : Translation; whale; migration; border; urgency.

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