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Alfa Revista de Investigación en Ciencias Agronómicas y Veterinaria

versão On-line ISSN 2664-0902


MARQUEZ, Esmila Yeime Chavarría; ASTOCAZA, Luz Luisa Huamaní; CONTRERAS, César Marino Basurto  e  BALTAZAR, Oscar Saul Carvo. Quality level of the biochemical oxygen demand of the process of biological filters. Rev. Inv. Cs. Agro. y Vet. [online]. 2023, vol.7, n.19, pp.153-159.  Epub 19-Abr-2023. ISSN 2664-0902.

In the year 2022, when evaluating the wastewater treatment plant located in the Yauli district of the Huancavelica department in Peru, the biochemical oxygen demand of the influent was on average 185 mg/L and the effluent exceeded 100 mg/L; for this reason, a biological filter with charcoal content was implemented. The main objective was to identify the quality level of the biochemical oxygen demand of the effluent through the incubator reactor analytical method, since it is a fundamental parameter to evaluate the use of filters as a minimizer of organic matter present in the quality of residual water. Among the materials used was the BOD reactor with 6 biodigesters and the incubator together with the wastewater sampling protocol. The method was explanatory, where the use of biological filters in the Yauli-Huancavelica wastewater treatment plant to minimize the biochemical oxygen demand up to 67.96 mg/L of the effluent. Therefore, the process of biological filters based on charcoal allowed obtaining values below 100 mg/L of quality of biochemical oxygen demand, complying with the maximum permissible limits for wastewater, which will be beneficial for conserving aquatic biodiversity of the Yauli river and develop agriculture, among other sectors.

Palavras-chave : Biological filter; Biochemical Oxygen Demand; Charcoal; Quality level; Organic material.

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