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Revista Aportes de la Comunicación y la Cultura

versão impressa ISSN 2306-8671


MERCADO ANTELO, María Andrea  e  K. SCHULMEYER, Marion. Motives, Practice and Social Perception of Coca Leaf Balling in University Students in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Rev. aportes de la comunicación [online]. 2021, n.31, pp.2-22. ISSN 2306-8671.

Abstract The Andean custom of coca leaf balling (boleo) is a new phenomenon among the youth of the city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. This study describes the reasons why young university students use coca leaves, where and when they usually do it, and the effects they perceive. Information was obtained from 256 participants (Mage = 22.56, SD = 3.59). The results show that young people use coca leaves to get rid of sleep or fatigue, and thus, continue studying or partying with their friends. The cultural origin of the practice is not recognized, new uses and language have evolved around this practice, and there is social rejection towards this type of coca leave use, because it isn't part of local culture

Palavras-chave : psychoactive substances; coca leave; university students; balling; acullicu.

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