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vol.7 número31Vygotsky y la aplicación de la educación para el trabajo y el desarrollo en la reforma educativa en Perú, 1972 índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Horizontes Revista de Investigación en Ciencias de la Educación

versión impresa ISSN 2616-7964


CAHUANA, Dimas Augusto Quispe  y  CAHUANA, Rusell Quispe. Teaching performance in times of virtuality. Horizontes Rev. Inv. Cs. Edu. [online]. 2023, vol.7, n.31, pp.2752-2769.  Epub 16-Oct-2023. ISSN 2616-7964.

The declaration of mandatory social immobilization to control the health risks caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, led to changes in the teaching and learning process by turning to virtuality and the distance education system supported by virtual educational platforms. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze the teaching performance in relation to the digital gaps within the educational system in times of pandemic. A literature review was conducted; through search engines such as Scopus, World of Science, Ebsco, Scielo; articles were selected, using as equation teaching performance, virtual learning, school teacher, under the criteria of inclusion of sources from 2018-2021, methodological relevance, full texts, in Spanish and English, categorizing in teaching performance in the framework of virtual education; perspectives to virtual teaching performance by social actors. The data were hierarchized according to the time of publication, predominantly that which allows having a broad interpretative vision to systematize the information regarding teaching performance in times of virtuality.

Palabras clave : Teaching performance; Virtual learning; School teacher; Challenges; Challenges.

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