Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Revista Boliviana de Química]]> vol. 31 num. 1 lang. en <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<b>PLASMA ANTIOXIDANT CAPACITYIN HIGHLAND SUBJECTS EXPOSED AT 5200 METERS OF ALTITUDE</b>]]> ABSTRACT Human exposure to high altitude conditions (reduced barometric pressure) leads to the formation of free radicals, which could be a major cause of altitude sickness. In the present study the total antioxidant capacity (TAC) was measured by two methods, FRAP (ferric reducing antioxidant power) and ABTS (2,2 '-azino-bis-3-6-sulfonic acid ethylbenzotiazolin acid) in the blood plasma samples of 15 non-smoking Bolivians (10 men and 5 women), who were exposed to large changes in altitude from 3,600 to 5,200 meters. The average antioxidant activity for ABTS at 3600 m was 560 umol Trolox Equivalent./l of plasma and for FRAP 569 umol Trolox Equivalent./l of plasma... After exposure to 5200 m, the ABTS and FRAP showed an increment in average of 602 umol Trolox Equivalent./l of plasma and 642 umol Trolox Equivalent./l of plasma. Both methods showed a high linear correlation for all samples. After exposure of subjects to extreme altitude, the results showed a significant increase in the level of antioxidants in blood plasma samples especially for the FRAP method <![CDATA[<b>EVALUACIÓN DE ACTIVIDAD INSECTICIDA Y QUITINOLÍTICA DE TRICHODERMA INHAMATUMY BEAUVERIA BASSIANA EN LA MOSCA DE LA FRUTA DROSOPHILA MELANOGASTER</b>]]> ABSTRACT The use of microorganisms with biocontrol potential is an alternative born as a result of excessive use of chemicals to control pests and diseases in agricultural crops. Fungí such as Trichoderma inhamatum (cepa bol - 12 qd) and Beauveria bassiana (cepa bol 2 - qc) have demonstrated good biocontrol potential of plant pathogens and pests. In the analysis of the insecticide and enzymatic activity, it was established that the fungus B. bassiana has a higher insecticidal activity on Drosophila melanogaster (cepa orr) than T. inhamatum. With regard to the enzyme activity, it was found that both T. inhamatum and B. bassiana, have (3 chitinolytic action, however, this chitinolytic activity is higher in the fungus B. bassiana<hr/>RESUMEN El empleo de microrganismos con capacidad biocontroladora, es una alternativa que nace a raíz del manejo desmesurado de agentes químicos para el control de plagas y enfermedades en cultivos agrícolas. Hongos como: Trichoderma inhamatum (cepa bol - 12 qd) y Beauveria bastiana (cepa bol 2 - qc), han demostrado tener una buena capacidad biocontroladora sobre fitopatógenos y plagas. En el análisis de la actividad insecticida y enzimática, se estableció que el hongo B. bassiana, posee una actividad insecticida mayor sobre Drosophila melanogaster (cepa orr) respecto a T. inhamatum. Con relación a la actividad enzimática se encontró que tanto T. inhamatum y B. bassiana, poseen acción (3 quitinolítica, sin embargo la actividad (3 quitinolitica es mayor en el hongo B. bassiana <![CDATA[<b>EVALUACIÓN ANALÍTICA PARA LA DETERMINACIÓN DE ARSÉNICO Y SELENIO EN AGUAS POR ESPECTROSCOPÍA DE ABSORCIÓN ATÓMICA</b>]]> ABSTRACT It was found the precision and accuracy for the determination of arsenic and selenium in water using atomic absorption spectroscopy, hydride generation. The aim was to confirm the correct application of the method for water analysis. It worked water samples of different origin, being followed strict protocols verification. Results were found satisfactory precision and accuracy.<hr/>RESUMEN Se halló la precisión y exactitud para las determinaciones de arsénico y selenio en aguas por espectroscopía de absorción atómica mediante generación de hidruros. El objetivo fue confirmar la aplicación correcta del método para el análisis de aguas. Se trabajaron muestras de agua de diferente procedencia, siguiéndose estrictamente los protocolos de verificación. Se encontraron resultados satisfactorios en precisión y exactitud <![CDATA[<b>HIGH SUSCEPTIBILITY OF CANDIDA ALBICANS ATCC 10231 TO TETRAHYDROFURANOSYL-1,2,3-TRIAZOLES OBTAINED BY CLICK CHEMISTRY</b>]]> ABSTRACT Tetrahydrofuranosyl-1,2,3-triazoles, synthesized by "Click chemistry", were tested as novel antifungal compounds. The results show a remarkable activity against Candida albicans ATCC 10231 expressed in a high MIC50 and MIC90 compared to traditional antifungals such as fluconazole. <![CDATA[<b>SECONDARY METABOLITES FROM PODOCARPUSPARLATOREI PILGER</b>]]> ABSTRACT Phytochemical investigation on Podocarpus parlatorei Pilger led to the isolation of three biflavones together with three diterpenes. Their chemical structures were elucidated by spectroscopic analyses, primarily 1 and 2D NMR spectroscopy as well as high-resolution mass spectrometry. The isolated compounds are reported from this plant for the first time.<hr/>RESUMEN La investigación fitoquímica en Podocarpus parlatorei Pilger condujo al aislamiento de tres biflavonoides junto con tres diterpenos. Sus estructuras químicas fueron determinadas por análisis espectroscópicos, principalmente por NMR 1 y 2D, así como por espectrometría de masas de alta resolución. Los compuestos aislados se reportan en esta planta por primera vez.