ISSN 2077-2161 |
Originals The articles published must be original unpublished nor submitted for publication to another journal. By submitting a manuscript, it is considered that the opinions expressed in articles are the sole responsibility of the authors. Items must be submitted on disk or sent by email, in any word processor, preferably word, along with a paper copy. The maximum length of a paper should not exceed 20 typed pages with double spacing (25-35 lines per page). All items will be written in Spanish (Castilian) on one side, referring also a summary in English, Portuguese and Spanish who is between 125 and 175 words. On the first page of the article will be the title of the article in Spanish and English, the names of the authors, the key words in Spanish and English (maximum four). On the second page will be a summary in English and on the third page summary in Spanish. On the fourth page, you will return the title of the article (without the name of the authors) and begin with the introduction. Follow the following order: Introduction, Method (subjects, instruments, procedures, etc..), Results, Conclusions and/or talk. Experimental Items not keep a consistent order and a clear and structured.
Text is interspersed, indicating the name of/ the author /s followed by the year of publication. It uses one of the following models, depending on the way the sentence was written:
When should juxtapose two or more references should be ordered alphabetically. The first time you mention a bibliographic reference in the text, cite all authors if their number is less than or equal to four, and cite the first author followed by et al. if the number is greater than four, if the same reference should be mentioned more times, we will use the formula hereinafter abbreviated name of the first author followed by et al. in the case that reference have more than four authors. If a work has two authors, always cite both. References (at the end) is always cite all authors. Titles (book, chapter or article) and the surname is capitalized only the first letter. At the end of the text references are cited in alphabetical order according to the following guidelines: Journal articles: Name(s) of author(s) along with the initial(s) of the name, year of publication (in parentheses), title of article, name of journal (in italics), volume (in italics), first and last page. Exemple:
Conference papers: Surname(s) of author(s) along with the(s) initial(s) of the name, year and month of celebrating (in parentheses), title of the paper (in italics), name of Congress and city where it took place. Exemple:
Book chapters: Surname(s) of (I) along with original author(s) name year of publication (in parentheses), chapter title, initials and last name(s) of (I) authors or director(s) of book, title of book (in italics), first and last pages, instead of editing and publishing. Exemple:
Books: Surname(s) of author(s) or compiler(s) with the initial(s) of the name, year of publication (in brackets), title of book (in italics), place of publication and publisher. Exemple:
Translated books are added to the end of the reference and parentheses "Orig." followed by the year. Exemple:
Tables and figures should be on separate pages, numbered consecutively and pointing inclusion instead of in the text. The feet of these leaves must be also different. Tables and figures will be of sufficient quality to be printed directly, but will generally be necessary to include in the final diskette is shipped with the accepted article. The abbreviations used should be explained in a footnote. Will try to avoid terms that do not exist in the Castilian language, particularly frequent whites (ex., Activation and "arousal"). If necessary inclusion (eg., Names of tests, questionnaires, etc..), Will be in parentheses (followed by the name of authors and year of publication) and preceded by its translation into Castilian between quotes. For example, "Fear of Negative Evaluation" (Fear of Negative Evaluation, FNE, Watson & Friend, 1969). For any other aspect not reflected in the above lines will follow the publication guidelines of the APA (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 4th edition, 1994). If the article is accepted, it will be necessary to send written digital format with Word word processor. |
Once the article is accepted by the Editorial Board of the Department of Psychology, San Pablo Bolivian Catholic University, shall be submitted to arbitration by international peers. The procedure is double blind, meaning that the item is sent to a(a) teacher(a) expert(s) on the subject without know the name of the author, not the author knows who is the expert, so that not generate conflict of interest. Finally, the expert's report indicates the relevance of the publication or the corrections that must be made prior to or rejection of the publication. The Editorial Committee will meet to take into account the considerations of the evaluation and finally proceed with the publishing of the article. |
Receipt of items received. No return the originals or correspondence will be on them. Acceptance or non-acceptance of the items will be communicated to the author as soon as possible. Every article you write for publication in the journal will be reviewed by two qualified professionals, anonymously, sending a report on the benefits of disclosure to the director of the magazine. The final decision on whether to publish an article shall, in last instance, the director of the magazine. Items that do not meet the standards set by the magazine will not be subject to revision or returned to their (s) author (s), but it is notified (I) breach of the same. In any case, the journal reserves the right to introducer changes it deems appropriate to comply with the above rules. Responsibility for the content of articles published is the exclusive competence of the authors of the article and in no way be attributable to the principal or the Editorial Committee. The authors of the articles are responsible for obtaining permission to include in your article any material published elsewhere. The magazine accepts no liability arising from the possible lack of permission on reproduction of any material. The submission of an article implies the acceptance of all the above rules by the paper's authors. |
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© 2013 Revista electrónica Ajayu: órgano de difusión científica del departamento de Psicología y del Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias del Comportamiento
Universidad Católica Boliviana
Av. 14 de septiembre Nº 4807, Esq. calle 2, Zona Obrajes
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